Friday, May 4, 2018



1. Zerodha Brokerage Calculator

  • Calculate your profit/loss and charges incurred while trading using Zerodha's brokeragecalculator.
  • Comprehensive brokerage calculator to calculate how much brokerage, STT, tax etc. you have to pay on all your trades across NSE, BSE, MCX, MCX-SX.
Comprehensive brokerage calculator to calculate how much brokerage, STT, tax etc. you have to pay on all your trades across NSE, BSE, MCX, MCX-SX.

2. Zerodha Margin Calculator

  • The Zerodha F&O calculator is the first online tool in India that let's you calculate comprehensive margin requirements for option writing/shorting or for multi-leg F&O strategies while trading equity, F&O, commodity and currency before taking a trade. No more taking trades just to figure out the margin that will be blocked!
  • Buying options require full premium and not margins. Hence premium values to buy options don't show up in the above F&O margin calculator. Adding buying option positions might have margin benefits on futures and short option positions which will show up above. 
Zerodha Margin Calculator

3.Black & Scholes Option Pricing Formula

Black & Scholes Option Pricing Formula

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